COVID-19 Testing Plan

This COVID-19 Testing Plan is established and updated as needed to meet the requirements of SB 1479, and will remain posted on our website through January 1, 2026.

The San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD) follows guidance from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), and California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (Cal/OSHA) around COVID-19 testing. Rapid antigen testing remains a key mitigation strategy to detect and curb transmission of COVID-19 in school settings. Keeping students and staff safe and in school remains the top priority.

Through the support and collaboration of the CDPH K-12 Schools Team and San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE), SMUSD provides over-the-counter (OTC) tests to students and staff at no cost throughout the school year.


COVID-19 OTC Testing Program Contact:
Jennifer Machado
Coordinator - Communications and COVID-19 Response
Office: (760) 752-1289
Email: [email protected]

Education: Staff and students are provided testing guidance and expectations based on ongoing and updated guidance from the CDPH and HHSA. SMUSD has a districtwide COVID-19 Response Coordinator who attends monthly meetings with the SDCOE K-12 Education Sector Team, HHSA, and CDPH. Updates on all mitigation strategies including testing are discussed in these meetings. Guidance is reviewed and, if needed, district policies and procedures are updated and shared with our school community.

Testing Expectation: Students and staff should test when COVID-19 symptoms are present and/or as recommended by Public Health (i.e., outbreak and exposure testing). Please refer to the CDPH Testing Framework for K-12 Schools and the Cal/OSHA permanent standard for more specific information on when and who to test in a school setting. This information is being incorporated into this plan by reference.

Access: Test kits are available at no cost to all SMUSD students and staff members. To request a no-cost test kit, parents and guardians may contact the school health office; staff members may contact the school health office or their direct supervisor. Extra tests are sent home when additional testing is recommended by Public Health.

Reporting and Monitoring: Parents and guardians are required to notify school office staff if their child tests positive. Employees are required to notify their direct supervisor and the SMUSD COVID-19 Response Team of positive test results. SMUSD will report outbreaks for both students and staff to the San Diego County HHSA, which will then be communicated to the CDPH. In addition, major outbreaks involving employees will be reported to Cal/OSHA.

Originally published: 1/1/2023
Revised: 8/16/2023