Smartphone Policy Update

Smartphone Policy Update
Posted on 01/08/2025

Dear SMUSD families, 

We’ve all likely seen in the news that the use of smartphones has been an issue of increasing concern in schools across the nation. As you may know, in September Governor Newson signed legislation (Assembly Bill 3216, or the Phone-Free School Act) to require every school district, charter school and County Office of Education to develop a policy limiting the use of smartphones by July 1, 2026.

Since 2019, SMUSD has had a smartphone policy in place (BP 5131.8: Mobile Communication Devices). However, the SMUSD Governing Board has had an interest in revisiting and potentially revising that policy, and the recently passed State legislation provided an opportunity to do this. In September 2024 the Board directed staff to engage parents/guardians, students, and staff to gather feedback and input on smartphone use in SMUSD schools and provide recommendations for revisions to the policy, which was presented to the Board at its meeting on December 19, 2024

During the feedback and input process, we conducted:

  • A districtwide survey sent to all families, staff, and students to gain feedback on smartphone use in schools with nearly 7,000 respondents
  • In-person Staff Focus Group 
  • In-person Parent Focus Group 
  • In-person Student Focus Group 

Through this process it became clear that opinions and philosophies vary widely regarding smartphone use for students, and what families allow for their students may be different at home than what is implemented during the school day.
But one shared goal that emerged is to create a safe, distraction-free learning environment for students during school hours. 

After reviewing all of the feedback provided, consideration of best practices, and our goal of distraction-free learning, the Board conducted a first reading of the revised policy at their December 19th meeting. Staff will bring back the policy for adoption at the January 16th meeting. Pending Board approval during the January 16th Board Meeting, the following practices will go into effect on January 21, 2025 at all SMUSD schools:

Elementary & Middle Schools will adopt an “Away for the Day” policy:

Elementary and middle schools in SMUSD will not allow the use of smartphones or mobile communication devices including headphones/earbuds, during school hours, which includes lunch, passing periods, and recess. Devices will remain accessible to students should an emergency arise, per Education Code 48901.5, 48901.7. Students may access their devices before and after school, or during an emergency situation. For non-urgent needs or concerns, parents/guardians are always welcome to call the school. 

High Schools will adopt a “Distraction-Free Learning Environments” policy:

High school students will not be permitted access to their smartphones or mobile communication devices including headphones/earbuds, during instructional time. This is defined as scheduled class time from bell to bell and any other time during the day when students are expected to be engaged in a learning activity. These instructional minutes are crucial for student learning and academic success, and the goal is to foster an environment most conducive for student learning. 

Students will be permitted to access smartphone devices during passing periods, lunch, as well as before or after school or should an emergency situation arise. For non-urgent needs or concerns, parents/guardians are always welcome to call the school. 

Parent Partnership

To promote student success, we ask that parents/guardians partner with us to help minimize distractions during class time and seek to create healthy smartphone usage for your student at home. We have gathered some resources that may be helpful to developing healthy smartphone habits for your student:

Staff and SMUSD leadership will be monitoring this new policy implementation throughout the next several months and will report back to the Board at the end of the school year, potentially making recommendations for future adjustments to the policy that could be implemented in the fall.  


As always, thank you for your partnership as we continue to create award-winning learning environments and opportunities to ensure that our students are Future Ready and poised to succeed in SMUSD and beyond. 


Dr. Andy Johnsen
