"By-Trustee" Election Process

Beginning in November 2016, the Governing Board transitioned to a new system of electing Governing Board members through By Trustee Areas. Trustee areas A, B, and D were elected into office in November 2020. Trustee areas labeled C and E are seats open in November 2022. For more information about the Election process, please visit the San Diego County Registrar of Voters website.


Representation by Trustee Area:
Area A Heidi Herrick, Board President - Term expires 2028
Area B Sarah Ahmad, Board President - Term expires 2028
Area C Andrés Martín, Board Vice President - Term expires 2026
Area D Lena Meum, Board Member - Term expires 2028
Area E Stacy Carlson, Board Member - Term expires 2026


If you are having trouble viewing the document, click here to download it.

History of By Trustee Area:
After each federal census, the Board must determine whether adjustments of trustee area boundaries are necessary and adopt a revised map to accurately reflect our community and ensure demographic equity for each area.

As a result, in 2021 SMUSD partnered with Cooperative Strategies and Fagan, Friedman, and Fulfrost to make minor adjustments to the SMUSD Trustee Areas to obtain the needed population balance. The Trustee Area Map Update is not a school boundary or attendance map, but instead outlines who can run for the Governing Board, when they can run, and who elects candidates for the Governing Board. 

After moving through the public hearing process, including public meetings, receiving feedback from the community and reviewing proposed maps, the Board unanimously approved to adopt the "Trustee Plan Map Option 1" as the adjusted trustee area plan establishing the boundaries for the trustee areas, shown above.