All current SMUSD families must complete the 2024-2025 residency verification process in order for continuing students to be properly registered for the next school year. If your student is transitioning to a middle or high school next year, the residency verification process will automatically register your child at the designated middle or high school based on your home address. Residency verification is an annual process completed digitally via ParentVUE. Only one ParentVUE account is required to complete this process for all students in your home. Therefore, families with multiple children will submit one residency verification for all students living in the same household. Please note this process is for CURRENT STUDENTS ONLY.
orrespondence from a government agencyDeclaration of residency (Affidavit of Residence / Afidávit of Residencia) executed by the student’s parent/guardian
Step 1: Gather your documents
Please have the following information available and ready to upload:
- Proof of residency: You will be required to provide two documents (one from each category below) to verify your residency. Evidence of residency may be established by documentation showing the name and address of the parent/guardian within the district, including, but not limited, any of the following: (Education Code 48204.1)
Category One (must be current):
- Mortgage Statement or payment receipts
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts
- Property tax payment receipt
Grant Deed
Escrow Papers
Category Two (must be current):
Step 2: Prepare/Digitize proof of residency and other required documentation
- All families need to provide two (2) proofs of residency each school year. See Step 1 for a detailed list of documents we will accept as proof of residency.
- Take a picture or scan your two residency documents and upload them to ParentVUE.
- Take a picture or scan other documents and upload them to ParentVUE.
Step 3: Log into your ParentVUE account to begin the residency verification process
Click Online Registration...

Select the Residency Verification Option...

Once you login to ParentVUE, you'll be asked to review and update the following information:
- Home address
- Parent/guardian(s) name and contact information
- Emergency contact names and phone numbers
- Student health information
- Upload documents from Step 2.
The registration process is not complete until you have provided all required information and uploaded all required documentation.
HELP! - How do I digitize my documents?
If you do not have access to a scanner, there are free phone apps available that transform photos into PDF documents: