Bullying Information

Board Policy 5131.2
The Governing Board of the San Marcos Unified School District affirms that every student and staff member has the right to a safe and secure school environment, free of humiliation, intimidation, fear, harassment, or any form of bullying behavior.

Administrative Procedures 5131.2
The Governing Board of the San Marcos Unified School District affirms that every student and staff member has the right to a safe and secure school environment, free of humiliation, intimidation, fear, harassment, or any form of bullying behavior.

Safe Place to Learn Act
It is the policy of the State of California to ensure that all local educational agencies continue to work to reduce discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and bullying. It is further the policy of the state to improve pupil safety at schools and the connections between pupils and supportive adults, schools, and communities. (EC 234)

Un lugar seguro para aprender
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Marcos está comprometido en mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje libre de acoso, hostigamiento, intimidación y discriminación que se base en la percepción de una discapacidad o una discapacidad real, sexo, identidad sexual, expresión de identidad sexual, nacionalidad, raza o etnicidad, religión, orientación sexual, o la asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de estas características reales o así percibidas.

Bullying Complaint Form

Formulario para la denuncia del Acoso, Hostigamiento, Intimidación o Discriminación

Bullying Frequently Asked Questions A resource from the California Department of Education


More Resources
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


International Bullying Prevention Association


Preventing Bullying in the Digital Age 
