Before you submit your application to our district you must have an e-mail address. The Human Resources and Development office will be communicating with you regarding the status of your application by e-mail once you have submitted it for a job.
You must register with Edjoin as a user, creating a Username and Password for your Edjoin account. It is vital to remember your Username and Password for your future use with Edjoin. This allows you to Edit your information at any time. Edjoin is FREE. Your application is completed following the on-screen instructions in Edjoin. Frequently Asked Questions are provided on the Home page of Edjoin.
If you need assistance please call Jackie Kerzie in the Human Resources and Development Department at (760) 752-1226.
Application Procedures for Certificated and Classified Applications
- Open Internet Browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Netscape is not recommended)
- Go to
- When you are on the Edjoin Website:
- New Users must click REGISTER NOW
- Registered Users click: LOG IN
- Complete all required fields, which are marked by a red asterisk (*)
- Click NEXT to complete the registration process
- On the My Profile Tab, Click My Employment- Fill out information and Click Save
- On the My Profile Tab, Click My References- Fill out information and click Save
- On the My Profile Tab, Click My Education- Fill out information and click Save
- On the My Profile Tab, Click My Credentials (Certificated)- Fill out information and Click Save
- Click the My attachments Tab to add attachments to your application. Scan Documents as PDF Files.
Now you may apply to a position
1. At the top of the page, click Job Search
2. On the District Search Tab, under County choose San Diego
3. On the District Search Tab, Under District choose San Marcos Unified School District
4. Select the Job Opening that you are qualified for and interested in applying to.
5. Select Apply Online Now
6. Scroll to the bottom of each page in the application and select Next until you reach the last page of the
application. Remember to answer all supplemental questions (in red) at the end of your application. These
are questions that our district has included in this application.
7. Select Submit Application.
8. To apply for any additional Job Openings, you will follow steps 1-7.
9. To verify that your application has been processed, you may select My Applications (under My Edjoin
10. After you have received a confirmation to your application, please click EDJOIN HOME, then LOG OFF.
Failure to log off will allow your application to be viewable to the next applicant.
Substitute Teachers (Certificated)
Substitute Personnel (Classified)