Certificated Personnel

Amber Christman Heather Lowery
Certificated Human Resource Analyst Human Resource Support Technician
Phone: (760) 752-1244 Phone: (760) 752-1243
Fax: (760) 752-1138 Fax: (760) 752-1138
E-mail: [email protected]                  E-mail: [email protected]


If you are interested in pursuing a Leave of Absence please complete the Request for Leave Form by selecting the link below. If you are taking a Maternity Leave, in addition to meeting with Carla Hohmann, please get in contact with LeAnna Winter at (760) 752-1241 to discuss continuation of Health Benefits as well as disability claim information. You can also refer to the Master contract Article XVI regarding information on all leaves that are available to Certificated employees.

Leave of Absence Request Form 
**You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Leave of Absence Request Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **

Please refer to the links below regarding disability claim forms for American Fidelity and the Standard:





You can schedule a meeting with Carla Hohmann at: [email protected] or (760) 752-1245 to discuss your options for Maternity Leave.

Please refer to the documents listed below for further information regarding Maternity Leaves:



Certificated Personnel

**Please read the above sheet if you are planning for Retirement**

If you have plans on retiring, please attend a retirement planning workshop or schedule an appointment with a local benefits counseling office. You can log into myCalSTRS to manage your personal account information, find available forms to apply for retirement, as well as check the status of your retirement application.

If you have not registered on Cal STRS yet, you can do so by following the link provided below:


The Cal STRS Retirement Guide is listed below, please refer to this guide for more detailed information regarding your retirement options.



Clear and Professional Clear credentials can be renewed online. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing encourages this renewal process. Please click the Educator Page button below and follow the step by step process in order to renew your credential online at the CTC website.



If you have any questions regarding the Reclassification process please contact Heather Lowery at [email protected]


Request for Reclassification Form Available Here
: **You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Request For Reclassification Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **

Please refer to the SMEA/SMUSD Master Contract Article X, Section 3 B: Movement on the salary schedule. Movement down a step every year is automatically done, Column movement is not. It is your responsibility to notice the district of your intent to make a column change for the next school year. You have until March 1st of each year to notice the district of your intent to change columns for the upcoming school year. You will not be able to make a column change unless this form has been submitted no later than March 1st. You will use the Request for Reclassification form in order to request a column change.


Course Approval Form Available Here: **You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Course Approval Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **

Please refer to the SMEA/SMUSD Master Contract Article X Section 3: Credit for College and University Training. You will need to complete a Course Approval Application form for every course you wish to receive unit credit.  These forms should be submitted prior to taking coursework. A Professional Growth Committee that has been selected by SMEA will review this Course Approval Application form and either approve or disapprove it. Keep in mind, your Course Approval forms do not need to be approved prior to the submission of your Request for Reclassification Form. The Request for Reclassification form should be submitted prior to your Course Approval applications. 

Official Transcripts must be submitted to the Human Resources Department on or before November 1st. The District will accept E-Transcripts or paper transcripts. One your transcripts have been received, the units will be processed and you will be notified  Reclassification. 



Please refer to the SMEA/SMUSD Master Contract, Article XV Section B. Any unit member wishing to transfer to another school or work location for the following school year, shall notify Human Resources on a District provided Transfer Request Form, of the desire to transfer. All transfer opportunities shall be posted on the District website and updated on a weekly basis from April 1st through June 30th. Unit members shall receive an informal interview, if a vacancy exists, for each requested transfer made prior to April 1st. Any unit member applying for a vacancy that did not request a transfer by April 1st shall be interviewed in the regular candidate pool. Only one interview per site will occur annually unless otherwise agreed upon by site administration and the unit member.

Please click on the link below beginning April 1st and ending June 30th for a list of all Certificated vacancies.

  • List of Certificated Vacancies (Vacancies will be posted beginning April 1st: Final Day to post available vacancies is June 30th)
  • Click here for the Certificated Transfer Request Form 2025-2026 (Transfer window closes April 1st) **You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Certificated Transfer Request Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **

Eligibility:  If you wish to participate in the program you will need to donate (1) sick day annually during the donation cycle which will occur July 1st through June 30th,  by submitting the attached form.  All sick leave donations are irrevocable and all donations to the Bank are general donations and cannot be assigned by you to any specific employee.  Days in the Catastrophic Leave Bank shall accumulate from academic year to academic year.

*If you initially decline to participate you must complete a 20-day waiting period before becoming eligible to request a withdrawal from the Bank after becoming a member of the program. 

*New hires and employees returning from an extended leave of absence will be permitted to join the program within 30 calendar days of working for the District.

In order to request a withdrawal of days from the Catastrophic Leave Bank, please complete the forms listed below and return to Amber Christman in the Human Resources Department, or email to [email protected].

Physicians Certification

CLB Withdrawal Form

Catastrophic Leave Bank Program Participation Form


2024/2025 Certificated Salary Schedules

2023/2024 Certificated Salary Schedules

SMUSD/SMEA Master Contract

2024-2025 Certificated Calendars

 Certificated Resignation Form
  • Notice of Separation from Employment: **You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Notice of Separation Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **

Other Documents

  •  Address/Name Change Form**You will be redirected to the Employee Forms-Staff Log-in Page, once you select the Address/Name Change Form, you will be redirected to Informed K12 in order to complete your request **