Exhibiting Professionalism
Sub-objective 1: Collaborates and works cooperatively with staff/team/departments to implement best practices
Regularly contributes and participates in staff/team/department
Demonstrates professional demeanor
Sub-objective 2:
Reflects on student performance and teacher
actions to determine what students did well, where
they had difficulty and implications for instructional
Demonstrates respect for students in interactions
Promotes positive student interactions that demonstrate care and respect
Seeks out, and is receptive to the interests and opinions of all
Arranges learning to facilitate or provide positive and productive classroom interactions during individual or group work
Sub-objective 3:
Communicates effectively with staff, students, and parents
Gives students and parents clear, user-friendly learning and behavior expectations
Responds in reasonable amount of time to student and parent concerns
Demonstrates respect and maintains appropriate boundaries with parents, students, and staff
Sub-objective 4:
Maintains appropriate records and documentation within the expected timeframe
maintains grade book
completes daily
referrals, SPED
documentation, etc.,
independent study,
behavior contracts
Sub-objective 5:
Follows all legal requirements, district and site policies and contractual agreements