KOC Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2024:
We will open Summer Camp 2024 enrollment in early May, after our 2024-25 school year enrollment. We are still working with Maintenance & Operations and Facilities to determine Camp locations to ensure we don't conflict with any major construction projects on campuses. We are hoping to be able to use La Costa Meadows, Richland and San Elijo Elementary, but that is not finalized yet. 

To give you an idea of how KOC Summer Camp works, enrollment is by week. Families can select as many or as few weeks as they need. Summer Camp will start 6/10. Here is our 2023-24 parent calendar for your reference (yellow days are Camp) to give you an idea for June. And here is our 2024-25 calendar to show Camp days for the remainder of the summer. Camp will be closed 7/4 and 7/5, so that week will be 3 days only. And then the last days of Camp before school starts will be 8/12-8/14. We will be closed 8/15-8/19 for new school year prep. 

Camps are $45 per day, but we only enroll for weeks (you can't select days only), so a 5-day week would be $225 and shorter weeks are adjusted accordingly. We are planning approximately 1 field trip per week of Camp. If there are any field trips, the venue and transportation costs are added on top of the base fee. For instance, our Spring Break Camp was 4 days ($180), and then there is an additional cost for field trip + bus, so the total was $200. We try to keep Camps, including field trips, affordable, so most weeks are in that range. We can't provide more field trip specifics at this time, as we are still working with vendors and venues to finalize those details. 

Please check our website in mid April for more information about Summer Camp.