
Photo of a droneDrones are useful devices used for many purposes.  If there is a staff member requesting to purchase and use a drone or a vendor requesting to use a drone on District property, they must obtain a permit issued by Risk Management.  There are regulations that must be followed and Risk Management is here to support you! Please click on the links below for guidance.  You can contact the Risk Management Director for any questions you may have at (760) 290-2360. 


Report all accidents/incidents to Risk Management using the Drone Accident/Incident Form.

How do I submit an accident report under the Small UAS Rule (Part 107) to the FAA?
An online portal is available through www.faa.gov/uas for the remote pilot to report accidents in accordance with reporting requirements in the Park 107 rule. Accident reports may also be made by contacting your nearest FAA Flight standards District Office (FSDO). Risk Management requires a separate report (link above).

When do I need to report an accident?
The remote pilot of the small UAS is required to report an accident to the FAA within 10 days if it results in at least serious injury to any person or any loss of consciousness or if it causes damage to any property (other than the UAS) in excess of $500 to repair or replace the property (whichever is lower).

If someone's UAS crashes in my yard, hurts someone, or damages my property, what do I do?
Call local law enforcement. Law enforcement personnel will contact the FAA if the crash investigation requires FAA participation.

What should I do if I see someone flying a drone in a reckless or irresponsible manner?
Flying a drone in a reckless manner is a violation of Federal law and FAA regulations and could result in civil fines or criminal action. If you see something that could endanger other aircraft or people on the ground, call local law enforcement.

Useful Mobile Apps (download via Play Store or App Store)
B4UFLY Mobile App
Airmaps Mobile App