Q. What is a resume?
A resume is one or two page information sheet about you. It is a brief summary of your experience, education, training, and accomplishments.
Q. Do I really need a resume?
Yes, you will need to provide a resume for most jobs.
Q. How long should my resume be?
Try to include all your information on one page. If it does not fit, you can try bullets instead of paragraphs and changing the font type or size. As your work experience increases you will probably need a two-page resume. Note: it is better to go on to a second page than make the font smaller than 8 point.
Q. Do I have to create my resume on a digital device?
Yes! You want it to look as neat and professional as possible. Arial is the standard font type used. You can experiment with other fonts, but choose one that is quick and easy to read. Start out with a font size of 10pt. Type your Contact Information in bold print – this information will include your name, address, and phone number. Type your headings in bold print and/or underline them. Organize the information well, check your spelling, have even margins, and separate the blocks of information.
Q. What information do I include for each job that I have held?
Starting with your most recent job, include the name of the place you worked, your start and finish date, and the duties you performed. It is not necessary to include the name and phone number of a contact person to verify the information you have given. This information is usually requested on the application form.
Q. What if I have never had a job?
This is not unusual for a high school student. You should still work on a resume that includes as much of the other information mentioned as possible. You will add employment information later. Include any volunteer work; even activities like babysitting and dog walking show a level of responsibility and reliability.
Q. What should I leave out?
- Date
- Marital status, gender, and age
- Religion and politics
- Elementary or junior high school info.
- Salary history or desired salary
Following are a couple of websites you can use to create a resume for free:
Q. What about a Virtual Resume?
More and more job seekers are turning to virtual resumes to stand out from the crowd. A virtual resume is one you create online and send to the employer in the form of a link. The advantages of this format is that you can attach PowerPoints, pictures, videos, portfolio presentations, etc. There are now numerous websites on which you can create and manage your virtual resume. If you feel a visual portfolio of your work could help you land the job, strongly consider this format.