This page will provide you with useful resources including forms, career assessments, PowerPoints and links to
I will be continually updating and adding to this page, so please visit often to see what's new!
Please let me know of anything else you'd like to see on this page.
Note: Numerous other resources and a plethora of career exploration website links can be found on the general WorkAbility website pages on the left and below!
Transition Interviews & Assessments
Writeable Transition Planning Guide for Student and Parent - This great interactive interview tool is writable
and simple to use for all levels; the writable portions can be completed by the student or for the student as
Student Transition Interview - With a comprehensive post-secondary planning sections, this interview template
is a valuable tool in creating an ITP.
Student Transition Interview - This interview includes a quick Learning Styles assessment and Social Skills Inventory.
Community-based Skills Assessment - Developing a Personalized Transition Plan - A comprehensive assessment from Autism Speaks
Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination Assessments:
AIR Self-Determination Scale - this form assesses the characteristics and behaviors that indicate the degree
to which your student demonstrates traits of self-determination and the degree to which the people influencing your student provides opportunities that foster self-determination.
Adolescent Autonomy Checklist - This checklist is particularly helpful in evaluating areas of need in students
with moderate to severe disabilities.
Life Domain Assessment - suitable for most students, but probably more appropriate for mild to moderate students
Note: The section below, entitled Self-Advocacy and Self- Determination, contains additional assessments.
If you can't find a relevant assessment in this book, it probably doesn't exist!
QuickBook of Transition Assessments
California Department of Education - Secondary Transition Planning
Resources and guidelines to assist youth with disabilities as they transition from school to adult life, including education and training, employment, and independent living. Many of these resources are included separately
on other WorkAbility website pages or below, but there's a wealth of information here in a one-stop shopping format!
Resources and guidelines for educators, parents, and agencies that will assist transition-age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in the area of employment.
Education and Training
Resources and guidelines that will assist transition-age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in education and/or training.
Independent Living
Resources and guidelines that will assist transition-age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in independent living.
Guideposts for Success
A document developed by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) that identifies key educational and career development interventions.
Employment First Policy
Resources and guidelines that will assist transition-age youth develop postsecondary goals that lead to competitive, integrated employment (CIE).
California Career Resource Network (CalCRN)
The California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) program is established in California Education Code.
The primary duty of the CalCRN is to distribute career information, resources, and training materials to middle
school and high school counselors, educators, and administrators, in order to ensure that middle schools and
high schools have the necessary information available to provide a pupil with guidance and instruction on education and job requirements necessary for career development.
The California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) program at the CDE provides a number of free career exploration and planning tools that can be used with students and their families.
The home site has links to all resources including:
California CareerZone - a career exploration program with four easy to use career assessment tools.
Developing a Budget - an online budgeting program. Students find out how much money they will need to support their chosen lifestyle and the career choices they will need to make to earn the money!
The California Career Center (CalCC) - a career and college web portal. Tools to help students map their
future, whether looking ahead to college, apprenticeship, the military, or other options.
- Middle & High School Completion & Planning
- Post-secondary Education and Training
- Exploring Career Options
- Getting a Job
- Addressing Challenges
- Financial Literacy
- Career-Related Videos
- "My Stuff" Accounts
- Personalized High School and Career Action Plans
- Upload and save documents
Parents and Guardians
- Career Development and College Planning Parent Handbooks
- Helping Your Child Address Challenges
- Quick Guides to Exploring Career Options, Postsecondary Education and Training, and Paying for College
- California CareerZone Workbook [PDF]
- Career & College Planning Resources for Parents and Guardians
Parent Guide - this guide is to help parents and guardians understand how California CareerZone works so
they can assist their student in the career exploration process.
CalCRN Counselor's Guide to Career Exploration - Counselor's Guide to Career Exploration using CalCRN Resources: This guide introduces and explains the use of the CalCRN resources in a variety of student settings.
CalCRN College Career Readiness Lesson Plans - Overview(CCRLPs) - available on the California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) home website. These lessons can be useful in helping your students develop
career and college readiness plans skills critical for success during and after high school.
The CCRLPs are posted on the site under the Lessons tab
The CCRLPs consists of 45 lessons spread across grades 5-12 with 5 or 6 lessons per grade. They are organized
by grade level but are not limited to implementation in any specific grade.
In addition to the lesson plans, the CCRLPs include an Educator Guide, Career Readiness Glossary (in English
and Spanish), and all the student handouts are available in Spanish.
The attached document provides a brief overview of each lesson.
CalCRN College and Career Readiness Lesson Plans - Overview
I Want to Work! I Know I Can!
Developed by the CA Transition Alliance in collaboration with the California Employment Consortium for Youth
This excellent booklet is a guide to information, services, resources and websites that will help students achieve their goal to work:
I Want to Work! I Know I Can!
Do2Learn provides free access to their JobTIPS Determining Interests pages. In this section of their website students can identify their strengths, skills, career interests, and goals. Assessments include a social skills assessment, interests quiz, and work environment assessments to help guide them toward specific careers.
They can also learn much more about specific jobs in the job descriptions section. This website is very user- friendly and the assessments are self-explanatory and quick to use...lots of videos too!
Jobs Made Real
The Jobs Made Real website was developed as a career exploration resource for the Chops Teen Center in
Santa Rosa.
The website provides:
2200 career videos
The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics labor market data
A shortcut to the California CareerZone for further exploration
Alignment to the Holland Code career interest inventory
A rotating selection of videos scrolling across the top of the site
Videos are organized by:
Teaching Young Workers About Job Safety and Health
Safety for Teens on the Job
Every nine seconds a young American worker is injured on the job, making employees under 25 twice as likely
to get hurt at work.
The following curriculum from NIOSH is intended to be used in a classroom (or other group training setting), and has been customized for California. The booklet includes instructions for teachers and a step-by-step guide for presenting the material: Youth@Work: Talking Safety California
Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination
Self-Determination Resource Handbook - with a new emphasis on assisting students in acquiring the necessary skills to self advocate, this great publication will aid in the teaching and facilitating of transition and self- advocacy skills: Self-Determination Resource Handbook
Related assessments and checklists:
AIR Self-Determination Scale - this form assesses the characteristics and behaviors that indicate the degree to which your student demonstrates traits of self-determination and the degree to which the people influencing your student provides opportunities that foster self-determination.
Adolescent Autonomy Checklist - This checklist is particularly helpful in evaluating areas of need in students with moderate to severe disabilities.
Community-based Skills Assessment - This assessment will aid in evaluating the preparedness of a student with moderate to severe disabilities for community activities.
Transition Domain Assessment - suitable for most students, but probably more appropriate for mild to moderate students
Essential Life Skills for All Teens - One-page 'bubble' chart covering broad array of skills students will need to be independent
Essential Skills for all Youth - Four-page chart including self-determination and self-management
Disability Disclosure
The 411 on Disability Disclosure - This workbook helps young people make informed decisions about whether
or not to disclose their disability and understand how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives. The workbook helps young people think about and practice disclosing their disability and helps them make informed decisions about disclosing their disability.
Disclosure in a Post-Secondary Academic Setting
Disclosure and the Workplace
The U.S. Department of Education online "one-stop shop" financial aid tool kit for those who assist students in selecting postsecondary institutions and financing their higher educations. The Financial Aid Toolkit
consolidates financial aid resources and content into a searchable online database. The database provides access to resources covering the entire financial aid lifecycle from applying for financial assistance to repaying student loans. It includes documents such as materials for financial aid nights at institutions, publications, presentations, brochures, videos, and sample tweets and Facebook posts. The tool kit also offers professional development information, such as training opportunities and resources for self-instruction. Wow!
NINTH GRADE: Overall Goals: Career/Interest Exploration, Understanding Graduation Requirements
Identify/review personal learning styles
Review graduation requirements
Create a 4-year plan for graduation (classes/electives)
Learn about clubs on campus and attend 2 club meetings
Participate in a volunteer work experience
TENTH GRADE: Overall Goals: Career/Interest Exploration, Work Experience
Update/modify 4-year plan
Complete credit audit worksheet
Obtain 3 job applications and complete them accurately
Complete the "Pocket Resume"
Obtain a copy of social security card
Obtain a state ID
Enroll in Driver's Ed
Obtain a bus pass
Make an appointment to take the driver's permit test
Conduct a job search (newspaper, online) and record job contact information
Complete the paperwork for a work permit
Talk to WorkAbility to see about obtaining a job
Research ROP classes of interest
ELEVENTH GRADE: Overall Goal: Post-Secondary Goal Setting and Planning
Update/modify 4-year plan
Review credit audit worksheet and graduation requirements
Enroll in an ROP course
Create a Resume and cover letter
Identify a career of interest and research education requirements, potential earnings, and job outlook
Identify Post-Secondary (ITP) goals: Education, Career, Living, Social
Identify colleges/vocational schools of interest
Attend a career/job fair and talk to 3 potential employers
Explore Age of Majority and Guardianship issues
Request letters of recommendation
TWELFTH GRADE: Overall Goals: Post-Secondary Goals and Planning
Review credit audit worksheet and graduation requirements
Enroll in ROP or Work Experience class
Update resume and cover letter
Attend Community College tour
Take a class at the community college
Identify vocational training programs for an area of interest
Visit/tour a vocational training program
Make an appointment with the Department of Rehabilitation
Register for selective services and voting
Make contact/appointment with the Disabled Student Services office at community college or university
Apply for FAFSA
Enroll in Adult Education
Transition Partner Suggestions
Adult School
Boys & Girls Club
California Conservation Corps
California Work Opportunity & Responsibility to Kids - CalWORKs
Career Technical Education
Chamber of Commerce
Church/faith-based groups/agencies/programs
Community Centers
Community College
Court school - CYA (California Youth Authority)
Department of Rehab. - DOR
Employment Development Dept. - EDD
Family Services
Job Corps
Mental Health Services
One-Stop Career Centers
Regional Center
Regional Occupational Programs
School programs
Service organizations - Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary Club etc.
Social Security Admin. - SSA
Social Services
Workforce Investment Act - WIA
Youth Organizations