Special Education Transportation Application
2024-2025 Transportation Request forms for Special Education are now accessible in English and Spanish. Once you complete the form, it will be sent to the Special Education Department for verification and approval. After approval, the form will be forwarded to the Transportation Department, and your student will be added to a route. This process takes up to five days after the Transportation Department receives the form. If you have any concerns or would like to check the status of your request, please email [email protected] or call 760.752.1276.
2024-2025 Special Education Transportation Services (English)
2024-2025 Special Education Transportation Services (Spanish)
Video Tutorial: How to submit your forms
The San Marcos Unified School District provides transportation to pupils attending special education classes. Parents will be notified of the schedule after the bus transportation application is approved. Your full cooperation is needed to render safe, prompt, and courteous service. You can assist by complying with the following:
California Vehicle Code 22112 states that the school bus driver shall activate the amber warning light system on approach to the school bus stop and immediately activate the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at all times for the purpose of loading or unloading pupils. Therefore, your child must be outside at the designated pickup location ready to board the bus five minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. If your student is not ready, the driver will assume that your student is not going to school and the bus will leave. The driver should not be expected to sound his/her horn since this may disturb the neighborhood. If an absence is anticipated, please notify the driver at least one day ahead or contact the Transportation Department between 5:00 am and 5:00 pm. At 760.290.2654.
If your child does not ride the bus two days in succession, the driver will not return until you notify the Transportation Department that your child is ready to return to school.
Large toys, glass bottles, insects, animals, knives, or any other article that may cause an injury to your child or other children cannot be transported. Parents should consult with the driver before permitting their child to bring large items (except lunch pails or school books) on the bus.
Each child is assigned to a definite bus and route and may be assigned to a particular seat. No child will be permitted to leave the bus at a point other than their designated stop. If your student is to go to any location other than their regular stop, a written, dated request must be provided to the driver after obtaining permission from the Transportation Department. Approval will depend upon the availability of seats.
A parent or a responsible adult is expected to be at home to receive the child. Do not rely on a regularly scheduled arrival time since the absence of a few students on the bus may cause the driver to arrive at your home much earlier than anticipated. If you wish to designate some other responsible person to receive your child on a regular basis, this must be done in writing on the application form for transportation. A designated responsible person listed on the transportation application must be available to receive your student at the time your student is dismissed from his/her school or program. If a responsible designated person has not met the bus, the student will be considered undeliverable and will be taken to a designated receiving location or released to the custody of the local police agency. The parent will then be notified where the child has been delivered. The second such occurrence will be considered sufficient cause to review transportation services. If your student is capable of taking care of him/herself and may be left on his/her own upon return home, please check the appropriate location on the transportation form.
Each student on a school bus must behave in a satisfactory manner for the driver to be alert to the many hazards of driving. Since the safety of all students on the bus is of prime importance, a student who behaves in an unsatisfactory manner may, at the discretion of the Transportation Department or Special Education Department, be denied the use of transportation for a specified period of time. If you move, or if any of your contact information changes during the school year, please notify your student’s school and the Transportation Department. Please feel free to contact the Transportation Department or the Special Education Department for any additional information or assistance you may require.