The links below provide the required digital citizenship lesson(s) for each grade level. The minimum requirement for middle school is two lessons. For all other grade levels, the minimum requirement is one lesson.
These lessons are to be facilitated by the classroom teacher in elementary grades and by the designated classroom teacher in grades 6-12. The lessons do not require students to have devices and all the necessary components including a lesson guide, presentation slides, student activities, parent guides, and more are provided for you. While there is a specific required lesson(s) for each grade level, we have also provided additional recommended optional lessons. For each grade level, this includes a news & media literacy lesson to support the growing need for students to be able to analyze and understand the vast amount of information they obtain through online research, social media, and news sources.
Once the required Common Sense Media lesson(s) is completed, you can/should use additional lessons. You'll find additional lessons on Common Sense for each grade level. You might also consider the Be Internet Awesome curriculum/activities created by Google and iKeepSafe.
Teacher Verification documents will be emailed to teachers through Informed K12.